Evansville Vanderburgh County Area Plan Commission
1 NW Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 47718 | 812-435-5226 | contactus@evansvilleapc.com
CITY CODE = 18.135.080 | CO CODE = 17.24.080 | Amount of off-street parking.
CITY CODE = 18.130.060 | CO. CODE = 17.12.060 | Fences, walls and hedges. Sec (C) | All junkyards, salvage yards, storage yards, outside storage areas, commercial vehicle and equipment parking lots, scrap yards, scrap metal reduction operations, garbage reduction operations, or similar operations to any of the above shall be completely enclosed with an opaque fence not less than eight feet high. This fencing requirement is mandatory for all storage areas for inoperable vehicles or inoperable equipment in conjunction with repair shops or similar operations when such storage areas abut residential areas or are visible from public thoroughfares.
CITY CODE = 18.135.040 | CO. CODE = 17.24.040 | Parking areas not in or adjacent to residential districts. Sec (D) 1 | Parking areas and access drives shall be installed and maintained with a hard and sealed surface except in R-1, R-2, and A districts where any durable surface is permitted.
CITY CODE = 18.135.040 | CO. CODE = 17.24.040 | Parking areas not in or adjacent to residential districts. Sec (D) 5 | When the front end of a parking space is adjacent to the perimeter of the parking area, a bumper guard shall be provided to prevent any part of a parked vehicle from extending beyond the parking area.
CITY CODE = 18.135.040 | CO. CODE = 17.24.050 | Parking areas in or adjacent to residential districts. Sec (D) Buffer Screens 1-2 | Buffer Screens around the Parking Area. Along the length of all required yards adjacent to a residential lot there shall be a wall or fence. (1) An opaque wall or fence of ornamental block, brick, solid wood fencing, or a combination of these materials at least 42 inches in height. (2) A compact hedge of evergreen or deciduous shrubs at least 36 inches in height at the time of planting.
CITY CODE = 18.135.040 | CO. CODE = 17.24.040 | Parking areas not in or adjacent to residential districts. Sec (F) Lighting | Lighting must be shaded and shall be located so that it does not cause glare onto adjacent properties or interfere with street traffic.
CITY CODE = 18.135.030 | CO. CODE = 17.24.030 | Type and size of facilities. Sec (A) | A parking space must be a minimum of nine feet wide and 18 feet long.
CITY CODE = 18.135.030 | CO. CODE = 17.24.030 | Type and size of facilities. Sec (C) | Except on lots occupied by single- or two-family dwellings, access drives or driveways to or from any parking space or lot shall provide an access drive measured at right angles to the centerline of the drive, as follows (widths do not include required entrance and exit radii):
Commercial: One-Way Min.-Max.= 12 – 20 | Two-Way Min.-Max.= 24 – 40
Industrial: One-Way Min.Max.=12 – 20 | Two-Way Min. Max. = 24 – 40
CITY CODE = 18.170.010 | CO. CODE = 17.36.020 | Improvement location permits – Zoning use permits. Sec (B) 2A | An accurate site plan drawn to scale for the principal and accessory structures and uses, existing and proposed, shall show at a minimum the following: dimensions, size and height of structure(s), location on lot indicating dimensions from the edge of the structure(s) to all lot lines, lot size, required setbacks for front, rear, and side yards, easements, location and width of existing and proposed driveways, location and height of existing and proposed fencing, and address as assigned by the Area Plan Commission.
CITY CODE = 18.150.030 | CO. CODE = 17.34.030 | Classification of thoroughfares. Sec (A) | Controlled Access. From the centerline of the thoroughfare the total setback shall be determined by the State of Indiana or the U.S. Federal Government, whichever is appropriate.
CITY CODE = 18.130.050 | CO. CODE = 17.12.050 | Setback requirements. Sec (H), (I), (J) | If a commercial or industrial lot abuts a residential lot in the same block frontage, the yard requirements in the residential district apply to the commercial or industrial district.
CITY CODE = 17.05.230 | CO. CODE = 16.04.040 | Enforcement – Violations. Sec (B) | The division of any lot or any parcel of land into a subdivision, as defined in this chapter, by the use of metes and bounds description for the purpose of sale, transfer, or lease resulting in the creation of one or more new building sites shall not be permitted, except as permitted in this chapter. All described divisions shall be subject to all of the appropriate requirements of this chapter.
CITY CODE = 18.135.090 | CO. CODE = 17.24.090 | Access and service drives. Sec (B) 1 | All uses are subject to the following requirements:
0 – 200 feet of road frontage | Two access drives
200 – 400 feet | Two access drives
Over 400 feet | Access drives to be determined
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 17.24.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (A) | Interior parking area green space shall be provided in landscaped islands, bumpouts and/or strips within all new surface parking areas or expansions of existing parking areas having 30 or more parking spaces to reduce the visual and environmental impact of large parking lots. The term “landscaped island” shall refer to this required parking area green space. These requirements are in addition to any required front, side and rear yard setbacks.
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 18.135.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (A) 1 | Parking lots shall provide one landscaped island for every 15 parking spaces. When computing results in a fraction of 0.5 of an island or higher, the fraction shall be rounded up to the next whole number. The parking area shall be considered as the pavement devoted to parking spaces and adjoining aisles. To the extent possible, islands should be dispersed throughout the parking area. Paved areas for site loading/unloading and opaque fenced storage areas are exempt from this section.
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 17.24.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (A) 2 | The minimum size of a landscaped island that can be applied towards these requirements shall be 136 square feet. The minimum dimension for an island without a tree is six feet. The dimensions for an island shall be measured from the inside of the curb or other barrier provided.
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 17.24.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (A) 3 | Barriers such as permanent curbing or wheel stops shall be installed around islands to minimize damage to landscaping and for easier parking area maintenance. Pavement (at or below the surface) is prohibited inside the island barriers. However, light pole standards, storm inlets, electrical boxes and other utility/drainage facilities are allowed within landscaped islands provided they do not occupy more than 25 percent of the island area, do not block a drainage way and they meet any applicable drainage requirements.
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 17.24.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (D) 3 | In parking lots with 60 or more parking spaces, trees are required to be planted in islands at a rate of one tree for every 30 parking spaces. When computing results in a fraction of 0.5 of a tree or higher, the fraction shall be rounded up to the next whole number. All required trees are to be from the medium and large tree lists in the document referenced herein (no dwarf trees are allowed), unless other equivalent sized trees are approved by the City Arborist or the County Extension Horticulture Educator. At least 50 percent of required trees must be from the large tree list. Any existing trees to be preserved that meet these requirements as shown on a site plan approved by the City Arborist or the County Extension Horticulture Educator shall also count toward the required tree total.
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 17.24.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (D) 3A | Minimum Size of Islands Containing Trees. Small/medium tree – 136 square feet with a minimum dimension of eight feet. Large tree – 315 square feet with a minimum dimension of 10 feet.
CITY CODE = 18.135.120 | CO. CODE = 17.24.120 | Interior parking area green space. Sec (D) 3B | Minimum Distance from Tree to Pavement.
Small tree – three feet.
Medium tree – four feet.
Large tree – five feet.
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
A | 35 | 6,000 | 60 | 25 (6) | 5 (5) | 10 | 25 | 30% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
R-1 | 35 | 6,000 | 60 | 25 (6) | 5 (5) | 10 | 25 | 30% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
R-2 | 35 | 5,000 | 50 | 25 (6) | 5 (5) | 10 | 25 | 40% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
R-3 | 35 | 5,000 | 50 | 20 | 5 (5) | 10 | 20 | 40% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
R-4 | 40 | 5,000 | 50 | 20 | 5 (5) | 10 | 20 | 40% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
R-5 | 150 | 5,000 | 50 | 20 | 5 (5) | 10 | 20 | 40% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
R-2 | 35 | 5,000 | 50 | 25 (6) | 5 (5) | 10 | 25 | 40% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
CO-2 | 35 | 6,000 | 60 | 20 | 5 (1,5) | 10 | 20 | 40% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
C-1 | 35 | NONE | NONE | 10 (4) | 5 (1,5) | 10 | NONE (1) | 75% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
C-2 | 50 | NONE | NONE | 10 (4) | NONE (1) | 5 | NONE (1) | 75% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
C-3 | NONE | NONE | NONE | NONE (4) | NONE (1) | NONE | NONE (1) | NONE | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
C-4 | 50 | NONE | NONE | 10 (4) | NONE (1) | 5 | NONE (1) | 75% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
W-I | NONE | NONE | NONE | 10 (2,4) | NONE (3) | 5 | NONE (3) | 75% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
AIR | 35 | 6,000 | 60 | 25 | 5 | 10 | 25 | 30% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
M-1 | NONE | NONE | NONE | 10 (2,4) | NONE (3) | 5 | NONE (3) | 75% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
M-2 | NONE | NONE | NONE | 10 (2,4) | NONE (3) | 5 | NONE (3) | 75% | 100% |
CITY CODE = 18.130.010 | CO CODE = 17.38.010 | Standards for principal structures and uses on principal lots. The standards established by Table A are the standards for principal structures or uses on individual lots, except as otherwise provided in EMC 18.130.050.
District | Max Hgt. (ft) | Min Lot Size (sqft) | Min Width (ft) | Min Front Yard (ft) | Min Side Yard (ft) | Corner Lot Street Side (ft) | Min Rear Yard (ft) | Lot Coverage | Green Space |
M-3 | NONE | NONE | NONE | 10 (2,4) | NONE (3) | 5 | NONE (3) | 75% | 100% |